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Application Forms will be accepted during a publicly advertised open enrollment period, which will typically be from October to late February. An explanation of the timeline, rules, and procedures to be followed during the open enrollment and lottery processes will be available on our website in English and Spanish and in the Charter School’s main office (and additional languages if needed). The process also will be verbally explained to any families who call, or hand-deliver a paper Lottery Application form in person. Parents can also apply on-line.


Following the open enrollment period each year, and after accounting for existing students who are guaranteed enrollment in the following school year, applications shall be counted to determine whether the Charter School has received more applications than availability. If the number of students applying for enrollment exceeds the Charter School’s capacity, admission shall be determined by random public drawing (lottery).


Public notice of the lottery will be posted in the Charter School’s main office, on the Charter School website, and on distributed informational flyers. The notice will include the date, time and location of the lottery (typically early March) and will encourage families to attend. The lottery will be held on a weekday evening to maximize attendance at an easily accessible public location that can accommodate all interested families, such as the MCMS school site. Parent attendance at the lottery is not required in order to secure enrollment for a student.


The lottery will be conducted by a non-interested member of the staff (i.e., one with no family member participating in the lottery) who draws the pupil names and verifies lottery procedures are fairly executed. Those individuals whose names are drawn after all spaces have been filled will be placed on the waitlist in the order drawn. Application Forms, the record of all lottery participants and their assigned lottery numbers, and other lottery-related documents will be retained on campus, and lottery results and waitlists (determined in the order names are drawn in the lottery) will be readily available in the Charter School’s main office for inspection upon request. Each applicant's Application Form is kept on file for the academic year with his or her assigned lottery number in the school database and on his or her lottery application.


Those who apply after the open enrollment period are added to the end of the waitlist in the order they are received. In the event that no such waitlist exists because space is available, students will be enrolled on a first come, first served basis.




After the first year of the Charter School, students who are already enrolled will be exempted from the lottery. MCMS offers the following enrollment priority in the lottery:


1. Students residing in the Napa Valley Unified School District

2. Siblings of admitted students

3. Children of teachers, staff and Founding Parents of MCMS (up to 10% of enrollment)

4. Foster Youth and/or Homeless Youth

5. Students who are currently enrolled in or reside in the attendance area of Shearer Elementary School.


No other exemptions or preferences shall be given. The above preferences do not limit access for pupils with disabilities, academically low-achieving pupils, English Learners, neglected or delinquent pupils, foster youth or homeless pupils, or pupils who are economically disadvantaged as determined by eligibility for any free or reduced-price meal program, or pupils based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

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